4 Types of Dry Skin Conditions

Everyone experiences dry scaly skin at some time in his or her lives. Sometimes, it clears up on it’s own, other times it is a chronic problem that disrupts your daily life. Knowing the reason you have dry skin is the first step in controlling it.

Here are 4 types of dry skin conditions:

Dry Skin – Also known as Xerosis, dry skin occurs when there is not enough moisture in the skin. The skin can turn flakey, ashy, and cracked. Dry skin can loose elasticity and develop a wrinkly and saggy appearance. Excessive water can draw the moisture out of your skin. Skin can become dry after bathing too long, in water that is too hot, or too frequently. The best treatment for dry skin is to apply moisturizer daily. See your aesthetician for advice on preventing and correcting a dry skin problem.

Eczema – If you have chronic itching, redness, and swelling of the skin, you may have eczema. This is a common condition. The cause is unknown, but evidence links it to allergies and immune system abnormalities. Stress, skin irritants, and allergens may cause flare-ups. Preventing flare-ups is the first step in treating eczema, followed by medications and phototherapy. See your physician or aesthetician for more advice on controlling your eczema.

Psoriasis – This chronic disease can be very problematic, typically for those between the ages of 15 and 35. It is unknown what causes psoriasis, but researchers believe that it is an autoimmune disease that causes skin cells to grow over other skin cells. The immune system mistakes healthy skin cells for dangerous ones, triggering an overreacted response and scaly patches form. Controlling the number of flare-ups can be tricky and depends on the individual. Good hygiene, less stress, and limit alcohol and smoking will help control the disease. Social networking groups have been developed to share advice on controlling your psoriasis.

Actinic Keratoisis – Also know as solar keratosis, these scaly or crusty bumps form on sun-exposed areas, such as the face, ears, neck, back of hands, forearms, and lips. The bumps range in size from pinhead small to an inch across. They may disappear and reappear later. Actinic keratosis is a precursor of cancer and should be treated as soon as possible.

Dry skin is not always a chronic condition or life threatening, but treating it is always important. Leaving a dry skin problem untreated can develop secondary infections. Talk to your doctor or aesthetician about your dry skin and start enjoying moist, glowing skin today!