3 Steps to Foot Care

Summer comes early and leaves late in Brevard County, Florida.  Most Floridians wear sandals or flip-flops practically all year long, exposing their feet to dirt, toxins, and the harsh sun.  Feet tend to be more sweaty and stinky during the summer months, too.  Your feet carry you around everywhere you go.  Just image life without them. That is why you need to build proper foot care into your daily routine.

There are 3 main steps to caring for your feet properly.  Each step has a purpose and a consequence for not including it into your routine.  Your goal should be beautiful feet that function like they should.

Step 1: Clean

Your feet are closer to the ground than any other part of your body.  You walk around the inside of your house without any shoes on and you don’t give it a second thought.  Sometimes you might even go outside without shoes.  During the summer, you probably wear sandals or flip-flops everywhere you go, picking up dirt and germs from parking lots, stores, and restrooms.  Yuck!  Remember to wash your feet frequently.  If you don’t, you might develop smelly feet, psoriasis, or eczema fungal infections.

Step 2: Protect

Have you ever been standing outside in your sandals and realized the tops of your feet are burning in the sun?  Don’t forget to put sunscreen on your feet!  It is also important to moisturize those poor feet every night, and wear comfortable shoes that fit you correctly.  If you don’t keep your feet protected they can develop skin issues that will make it painful to perform your daily activities.

Step 3: Pamper

Your feet take a beating on a daily basis.  You pound them in the ground everywhere you go.  Feet are often neglected, but when there is a problem with your feet it can affect all aspects of your life.  If you cannot walk without pain, there are many things that will not get done.  So, pamper your feet often. Soak them in cold or warm water with essential oils or go out for a professional pedicure.  Trim your nails and moisturize often.  If you are nice to your feet, they will be there for you whenever you need them.